August 8, 2024
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In need of information systems advice and highly trained and flexible staffing? setld provides your organization with decades of experience to help guide your company to achieve its goals. With flexible tiered staffing from a variety disciplines available to best meet your needs, setld will enable your company to succeed in any project specific to your business. GET SETLD.

March 27, 2022
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President Pearland, Texas 832-563-5699 Jacob has had a storied 24+ year career, working mainly for two majors in upstream oil and gas geospatial and survey (Geomatics) and information management leadership roles.  He has managed individual project budgets of over $10 million USD and department budgets encroaching upon $30 million USD per year.  Jacob has also worked for

March 27, 2022
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Need GoM E&P data?  setld can offer you the core + more at less cost to you.  setld’s GoM Data Product (GDP) resolves numerous compilation issues with government data offerings sourced from:  geospatial web services, web page announcements, web page data downloads, etc. setld GDP is an annual data subscription designed to provide a normalized,

December 6, 2015
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Need Brazil data? setld’s Brazil Data Product (BDP) resolves numerous compilation issues with ANP & BDEP data offerings sourced from: geospatial web services, web page announcements, web page data downloads, etc. BDP is an annual data subscription designed to provide a normalized, value-added set of Brazil land / lease, well, production, activity, facilities, environmental and cultural