
December 6, 2015
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Heard all the recent chatter about big data, predictive analytics, machine learning, AI and robots?  These are certainly interesting topics to monitor.  But, an updated information management strategy, efficient data flows and effective data analytics levering GIS can lead to large bottom line improvements today. “Better information on demand” / GIS as a Service (GaaS)

December 6, 2015
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Broadcast BI (BBI) is our very own platform for Reports, Charts, Alerts. setld provides report templates for all reporting tools used by our clients.  Our core charting functionality is developed upon open source technologies. Anyone can render data into myriads of charts and chart types.  We focus on collaborating with clients to build lightweight, efficient, well

December 6, 2015
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Have cost reductions forced you to cut information management staff? This often leaves remaining staff scrambling to keep up with basic duties and urgent requests. setld BPC provides your organization with information systems advice and flexible staffing, enabling your professional staff to work on higher impact projects specific to your business. GET SETLD. Advisory –